How To Get Your Toddler To Ditch Their Pacifier
There comes a time in every parents lives where they have to battle their toddler to give up the pacifier. Here are some tips and tricks for getting your toddler to put down the pacifier – and keep it down.
Set It Free
With some children, having a symbolic “release” of their pacifier can help the to cope with its departure. For example, tying the pacifier to a balloon and releasing it, or throwing the pacifier into the river. They can have a proper goodbye and send off their beloved binky in a memorable way.
Create a Memento
You can hang on the your toddler’s pacifier while still breaking the bad habit. Take your toddler to Build-A-Bear and help them pick out a new stuffed animal. When it comes time to sew up, place the their beloved binky inside as well so they always have it with them.
Wean Off With Cutting Method
If you’d like to use a weaning method, start but cutting a small hole in the end of the nipple. When your child goes to use it again, they will sense something is wrong or the pacifier is “broken” and may throw it out right away. Some children may grow accustom to the new feel, in which case you could cut the hole larger again.
Be sure that all pacifiers in the house are cut so they don’t find one still intact.
Create Boundaries
Some children respond better to a more gradual approach. Instead of taking away the pacifier cold turkey, set certain times they are allowed to use it such as right before bed or nap time. Slowly cut back on their allowance until eventually they aren’t using it anymore at all.
Make It Unappealing
There are a few ways you can make your toddler’s pacifier no longer something your toddler wants. You can add a non-toxic, edible element such as lemon juice or vinegar that will make your toddler not like the taste when they go to use their binky. There are also products such as No Bite, originally used to prevent nail biting, that work great for weaning your toddler off their pacifier.
Get Others Involved
If you are weaning your child off of their pacifier, let us know so we can help! We do our best to keep on track with your parenting while you child is at Claire’s.