Tasks You Can Accomplish While Your Toddler Naps

When you have a toddler at home, getting tasks accomplished can seem like an impossible feat. Between feedings, entertaining, learning and tending to your child, there’s never enough time to take care of the usual chores to take care of your home.
But, lucky for toddler parents, there is opportunity during nap time to take advantage of a sleeping toddler. Here are some thing you can easily check off your to do list while your toddler snoozes.
Prioritize Your Tasks
There aren’t too many minutes that go without attention when you’re a toddler parent. But when uninterrupted minutes do come around, make sure you are prepared and know exactly what you need to get done in prioritized order so you can get started checking off that to do list.
Throughout the week, write down the tasks you need to get done in your phone notes or any task list app you prefer. Put them in order of priority so when your child goes down for their nap, you can start at the top and work your way down. Prioritizing helps create structure so you don’t have to think about what needs to get done, you just do it.
Work Efficiently
If there are certain tasks that are easily done together, or can be done in a certain amount of time, group them by each other. Maybe you can get the floors mopped while the wash machine is running, or fold a dry load while a new load is drying.
There are many ways to work efficiently, and being prepared is the best strategy. If you know you would like to get certain things accomplished in a day, set out the supplies needed the night before things are streamlined for you to get things moving.
Remove Distractions
If you are trying to get things done while your child is napping, make sure you turn off the TV, mute your phone ringer, and set aside anything else that may be distracting. If you can focus your attention to the task, or tasks, in front of you, you will be able to accomplish much more than imagined!
Our phones are the biggest culprits when it comes to distractions. Even though it’s hard, try to stay off social media when you’re doing chores. If you need to mute the app or turn your phone on airplane mode, do it! You could even schedule times for social media throughout your day so you don’t feel deprived.
Optimizing your time while your child sleeps is crucial to stay on top of tasks. Try out these tips and let us know how they work! If you have any other tricks for getting things done while your toddler naps, let us know on our latest Instagram post.