How To Have A Safe Halloween Trick-Or-Treating With Your Toddler
Everyone loves dressing up with their loved ones to scavenge the neighborhood in search of Halloween goodies. But there are a few things to take into consideration, aside from the costume you’ll be wearing, before heading out with your pillow cases. These tips will help ensure a safe and fun Halloween full of candy and laughs!
Prepare Before Halloween Night
If your child is still very young, they may need a little pep-talk and crash course to make them prepared for the activities that will be happening Halloween. Have a chat with your little one and tell them how trick-or-treating works so they aren’t taken by surprise when the real deal comes along.
Practice Pre – Halloween
If your child is typically shy, practice trick-or-treating at your own door or in your house. A comfortable mask that they’re able to see out of well may help the shyness as well. Also practice holding hands when in public places so when you are walking from house to house they know to stay close, hand-in-hand.
Accident Proof Costumes
Along with having masks that your child is able to see out of, make sure their costume, capes, dresses, etc. aren’t too long. Tripping over a floor-length costume on the concrete sidewalks could cause serious harm. Have your child walk around the house in the shoes they plan to wear to make sure you don’t need to hem anything.
Get A Trick-Or-Treat Posse
Trick-or-treating is much more fun when shared with friends! This goes for the kids and the parents. Perhaps touch base with the parents of your kids’ best friends at Claire’s Day School and see if it makes sense for your families to get together for the Halloween festivities.
Start Early
It’s best to start hitting the pavement before it get’s too dark. It’s easier to keep track of your kids when you can see them and easier for them to watch where they are walking so they don’t fall off any steps are walk into an unseen obstructions. Also bring a flash light so that you can see them and they can see you when it does get dark!
Monitor Candy Intake
Double check the seals of candy to check that they have not been tampered with. Also watch out for small candies that present choking hazards.
Check out this post by blogger Parenting Expert To Mom for more safe trick-or-treating tips!
If you would rather trick-or-treat in a controlled environment and not a neighborhood, check out this link for events going on in Dallas.
An annual family-friendly crowd favorite is Toyota Music Factory Trunk-Or-Treat with music, a costume contest, trick or treating throughout the trunks, a bounce house, Hocus Pocus screening and more- plus, it’s FREE!